
Average score 1366 Reviews
frederic delporte noted on Google

Très bon !! (Translated by Google) Very good !!

1 month ago
céline noted on Google

1 month ago
Sabine Fantini noted on Google

Plat à emporter. Très bon et les portions ne sont pas petites. (Translated by Google) Take away. Very good and the portions are not small.

1 month ago
Chloé Rastrelli noted on Google

Cuisine excellente comme toujours (Translated by Google) Excellent food as always

1 month ago
mavo robail noted on Google

Simplement délicieux (Translated by Google) Simply delicious

2 months ago
Sophie STROZYK noted on Google

2 months ago
Alice Belmont noted on Google

J'y suis allée des dizaines de fois, et je dois avouer que je ne suis jamais déçue ! Service rapide, serveurs souriants, cuisine délicieuse, pour avoir fait le tour des restaurants japonais d'Arras, je dois avouer que celui - ci est celui qui se défend le mieux ! Même si la playlist est la même qui tourne en boucle depuis qq années 😂 (Translated by Google) I've been there dozens of times, and I must admit that I'm never disappointed! Fast service, smiling waiters, delicious cuisine, having visited the Japanese restaurants in Arras, I must admit that this one is the one that stands up best! Even if the playlist is the same one that has been playing on repeat for a few years 😂

2 months ago
Yingxin Deng noted on Google

3 months ago
Davina Mansouri noted on Google

3 months ago
Julien Remy noted on Google

3 months ago

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